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Customizing the top bar in Unity

  Date: Feb 06    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 454

I spend most of my time using a notebook. I find it impossible to work
on some apts because I need the full screen to select the buttons placed
on the bottom of the window out of view because the top bar can not be
hidden. Has anyone succeeded in making the top bar hide? For notebook
with smaller screens Unity's top bar persistence is a folly that may
lead many notebook users give up on it. If I didn't know where the save
button on windows like the save file window I would have chosen to only
use KDE on this machine. Other than this MAJOR problem, I can live with
most things Unity.



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 06    

On my netbook with a small screen i dont have many problems but with older
distros you can right click it and set the properties to autohide or enable
hide and reveal buttons on the left of the screen.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 06    

One of the big problems with Unity, IMO, is that right-clicking does not
give you many options, if any. Mouse-over does more in most cases and Unity
is locked down. The way to change anything is through Compiz settings and
not through right-click and drop down menu. GNOME 3 is similarly
challenged. I like KDE's netbook interface much better. And there you can
right-click and can change just about anything.

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 06    

On gnome I didn't have a problem hiding the top bar only the unity 2D.
The compiz customizing add-on failed to appear when installed. guess it
is only for Unity 3d. Maybe I need to look harder for a different ubuntu
release made for netbooks like releases before 10.04 I think that unity
would work great for new users but I have to say without an answer to
this I will not install on anything new.

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 06    

Unity 2D is customized differently. It uses Metacity. You need to install
gconf-editor and load it then find what you want.

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