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Ubuntu and Unity

  Date: Feb 05    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 382

I started the long march which was like a trip on Mars. The new Ubuntu with
Unity has some beautiful things, others are just too hard for the average user.
I admit I did not have enough time for playing with it.
Up to now I have not managed to get Empathy, then Pidgin, then Kopete to work.
The UI is fine, but for me it is easier to launch the programs from Xterm. I
made a desktop launcher for Xterm because I could not find the Terminal
anywhere. The workspace switcher is OK.
Surprise ! It seems there is no aptitude. I installed it
sudo apt-get install aptitude

The saviours were the other DEs and WMs. I ran LXDE. No problem. PcManFM
crashed four times. No problem.

Now I am writing under Mint, in plain old Gnome with Compiz.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 05    

The terminal is available from dash. Just type ter.. and it will show
terminal below. There is also a hotkey but I can't remember what it is.
Click on the Ubuntu button to get dash.

It takes practice to learn anything new. Turning back to Gnome is possible
but pointless in the long run as Gnome classic has no future.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 05    

upgraded to 11.04 and no problems so far set computer up as multimedia loaded
all graphics and audio / video software.
Now just to learn it.

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