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Multiple window instance from Unity launcher

  Date: Feb 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 621

I'm using Oneiric 11.10. I'm getting used to Unity. I've been using
Quicklaunch in Windows since it came out so this plays to the way I like
to work. Except that I haven't found it very configurable so far (and
I'm used to having my toolbar in Windows on the right hand side :-) ).
Anyway amongst other little niggling problems:

Once I've opened a Nautilus window from the launch bar, I can't see how
to launch a second instance. Same applies to Firefox and some others. I
can use tabs, I know, but sometimes it just makes more sense to open
another window. I can't even go to another workspace and open one there,
it just jerks me back to the open one. I tried changing the preferences
to "open each folder in its own window" but that does just literally
that (which is even less desirable).

Any ideas, please?



12 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 07    

I ran into that last night when I tried to open multiple instances of the
terminal. Multiple tabs aren't an option with the trminal, so I couldn't do
what I wanted to do. Bummer.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 07    

Could you try from LXDE or KDE instead, maybe not all of 11.10 is hamstrung with
loss of user tweak-ability? I know it's all about change and some new stuff will
come from necessity...

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 07    

Unity handles its running applications the way W7 does. A running
application shows in the Launcher but clicking on it from the Launcher will
not do anything other than open the existing one as you have found.If you
middle click on the Launcher icon it will start a new instance. If you have
a two button mouse try click both at once. You can also try launching it
from Dash.

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 07    

Wow, talk about many ways to skin a cat! Opening from Dash worked,
middle-clicking worked, and an email from BD pointed out that the File drop-down
menu offered the option of opening a separate instance. BD also mentioned that
the File drop-down menu offered the option of assigning different profiles to
each instance. He also pointed out that Terminator offers the option of opening
multiple terminals within one window.

Answer #5    Answered On: Feb 07    

Yes, thanks from me too, for some very helpful suggestions.

Answer #6    Answered On: Feb 07    

In Unity the drop down menu is on the bar on the top of the desktop. To
obtain another instance use the drop down menu item "File". You may open
a terminal that will open another window. You can add a tab to your open
terminal as well. I may have the option with many windows I don't know
but you can try.

Answer #7    Answered On: Feb 07    

Launching another Firefox window is easy, just drop-down FILE tab and
choose "New Window". I'm now using Kubuntu 11.10 and am not yet happy
with it.
I hope it would at be at least this simple under Unity. Changing
desktops under KDE is not nearly as clean and simple as Gnome was. On
the old machine
(Ubuntu 11.04) I'd just change desktops and open a new instance of

Another Firefox issue which I have not yet resolved is how to get my
Bookmarks over on the new machine. They've taken out the Backup/Restore
from dot json
file in Firefox. If I have to sit two machines side by side and
manually transfer all my bookmarks it will not be easy. My previous
machine Gnome/Ubuntu 11.04
made this a simple process. I just returned from a Thanksgiving week
vacation so have not yet read all the traffic about the Bookmark
backup/restore issue. I
hope someone has an easier solution.

Answer #8    Answered On: Feb 07    

I use Xmarks on both Firefox and Chromium for bookmarks, it also has the option
for open tabs, but I don't use it for passwords.

Answer #9    Answered On: Feb 07    

Nope, if you open "Show All Bookmarks," the menu bar has an entry, "import and

Answer #10    Answered On: Feb 07    

How interesting that they put the drop-downs in a DIFFERENT
The pop-up window created by opening "Show All Bookmarks" does not have
the "import and backup" on it but rather,
it is up on the Firefox menu bar for the window that spawned the new
window with all the various options and REMAINS
HIDDEN unless you move your mouse across it.

WOW, do I ever understand why Canonical was unhappy with Mozilla when
they started the fast updates for Firefox.
Obviously Mozilla has not been doing their homework to keep Firefox

I also have not gotten used to the multiple indirections when attempting
to use the ICONS in Dash. Takes forever to find
things, but I'll get to know KDE again. I haven't used it on Linux for
many years. I used it in the 90s Slackware Linux as
it was much like what I used at work on a Silicon Graphics Irix

Good accidents do happen though. When I was attempting to take
screenshot of my "About" popups to identify software release
numbers I discovered that "Search" in Dash finds GNOME screenshot
program quickly. Remember I'm running KDE!!! After finding
"screenshot" by search I thought I'd try a search for "system monitor"
and low and behold up came the GNOME system monitor
with which I am familiar. I have been a frequent user of "system
monitor" on Ubuntu 10.4 as about one out of six times I close
Firefox, it hangs in "Futex_wait" condition and I have to use system
monitor to kill the process else I'd have to do a system restart just to
get a new instance of Firefox up and running. This is one major reason
I'd like to update to new version of Ubuntu Linux...but
It has to be more usable than what I already have.

Today I may even get daring and install Ubuntu (Unity) to see if I dare
abandon the Kubuntu (KDE) desktop I am currently using.
I do like the Thunderbird mailer better than Evolution...but that'd take
another very long email :-).

I am going to attach the screenshots I took and forward them directly to
"gord_lib". I think they'll probably be stripped away before
the rest of you get them on the forum.

Thanks to the many that contribute on this forum. It is getting more
and more interesting.

Answer #11    Answered On: Feb 07    

Thanks, you gave me hope...and I kept POKING until I found it.

(Sarcasm!!!)How interesting that they put the drop-downs in a DIFFERENT
The pop-up window created by opening "Show All Bookmarks" does not have
the "import and backup" on it but rather,
it is up on the Firefox menu bar for the window that spawned the new
window with all the various options and REMAINS
HIDDEN unless you move your mouse across it.

WOW, do I ever understand why Canonical was unhappy with Mozilla when
they started the fast updates for Firefox.
Obviously Mozilla has not been doing their homework to keep Firefox

I also have not gotten used to the multiple indirections when attempting
to use the ICONS in Dash. Takes forever to find
things, but I'll get to know KDE again. I haven't used it on Linux for
many years. I used it in the 90s Slackware Linux as
it was much like what I used at work on a Silicon Graphics Irix

Good accidents do happen though. When I was attempting to take
screenshot of my "About" popups to identify software release
numbers I discovered that "Search" in Dash finds GNOME screenshot
program quickly. Remember I'm running KDE!!! After finding
"screenshot" by search I thought I'd try a search for "system monitor"
and low and behold up came the GNOME system monitor
with which I am familiar. I have been a frequent user of "system
monitor" on Ubuntu 10.4 as about one out of six times I close
Firefox, it hangs in "Futex_wait" condition and I have to use system
monitor to kill the process else I'd have to do a system restart just to
get a new instance of Firefox up and running. This is one major reason
I'd like to update to new version of Ubuntu Linux...but
It has to be more usable than what I already have.

Today I may even get daring and install Ubuntu (Unity) to see if I dare
abandon the Kubuntu (KDE) desktop I am currently using.

I am going to attach the screenshots I took and forward them directly to
"gord_lib". I think they'll probably be stripped away before
the rest of you get them on the forum.

Thanks to the many that contribute on this forum. It is getting more
and more interesting.

Answer #12    Answered On: Feb 07    

Try OPtions (cog wheel top RHS)Settings, General, Export/Import and that
may do it.

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