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wireless setup in ubuntu

  Date: Dec 27    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 598

what it is like to setup wireless on it? i have setup a few computers on ubuntu
now and have
never setup wireless. i want to try it on my laptop but do not want to lose
everything from
school and business. if it is easy i'll set it up. as most of the things i use i
can use in ubuntu,
the big programs i use i can't seem to find for ubuntu. one is flash 8
professional to make
flash movies and web stuff. the other is Microsoft .NET (dot net) this is a VB
programing tool?
i can't afford to toss more money out to get these programs again for linux.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 27    

Wireless can be plug and play. Depends on what you get.
Flash player 8? Is there flash player 9. I think there is no flash player 8
because that is when Adobe bought flash and did not care if there was a Linux or
Unix version. Had to wait for a freaken year.
you know Google can be a very powerful search tool and same with Yahoo. OK I am
going to get off my broom now.

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