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Wine duel-boot

  Date: Dec 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 600

I am using duel-boot and win is on my C:/ drive. The instructions I have

This will start the .EXE using Wine. If it is an installer, it should then
run as it would in Windows. If the application asks for a directory to
install the application to, select put it under C:\Program Files.

Where do I put it on my Ubuntu partition?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 04    

Wine sets up a dummy C: drive in a folder in your home directory -
~/.wine/drive_c - this is done automatically for you. To install your
program, simply run it with Wine and it'll take care of everything for you.

One word of warning. DO NOT under ANY circumstances attempt to map your
Windows partition to this dummy C: drive. If you do, you will cause
serious damage to your Windows install.

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