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wine or my other box

  Date: Dec 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 412

I need a little advice. I have an opportunity to work from home but the company
needs me to run A Wondoz only screen capture program.

Don't worry It's a legit work from home job not one of those get rich quick
scams. It doesn't pay A lot but it's honest.

The question is whether to try wine or virtual box or just use the dusty XP
machine. I do not want to dual boot and really don't want Windoz on my Ubie
machine. I cant afford crossover office right now.



6 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 04    

Try virtualbox first - it works for almost anything -

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 04    

I'm confused. Why would you be required to use a Windows screen capture program?
Why wouldn't the Ubuntu screen capture work? It's part of the Gnome-utils
package, and saves to many formats.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 04    

It's A company that hires people to review web sites for use-ability. when you
are doing this the soft ware sends what you are doing and saying to their
website to show to the web site owners so they can improve their site. You can
turn it off when not in use.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 04    

OK, in that case, definitely do not use your primary computer. The old XP system
should work fine. I would not recommend having anything you don't want to share
with the world on that box.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 04    

OK thanks I think you're most likely right there's nothing on that thing 'cause
I use it to help others and to download windoz stuff for them since I'm the only
one with high speed. Other than that it sits gathering dust.

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 04    

And you think this is legitimate, if it sounds like spyware then it probably

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