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Duel Booting XP Pro & Feisty Ubuntu on a Slave and Master Drive

  Date: Jan 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 477

This was done on a bare bones computer with 2 hard drives , one with its
jumper set as master the other set up as a slave I don't know if it will work
with them set to cable select. The computer was also running a P3 and 256Mb of
ram so it should work on most computers.

The following is a short list of the things that you will need:

A disk with a runnable copy of DBAN for doing a complete wipe of both HD's

A Windows XP Pro Install Disk

A Ubuntu Feisty Live/Install Disk

A copy of any files and programs you don't want to lose(to be reinstalled
later by you)



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