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xubuntu download

  Date: Jan 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 423

i don't see where it says that the xubuntu CD's are available for
sale - only downloads. i tried downloading the latest release of the
xubuntu (feisty pawn) but though i connected thru a cable modem, my
download speed is too slow @60 - 70kbps. not sure where the problem
is... could it be the server...

in any case after waiting and waiting for a lot of time, my download
is cut-off... i tried once last night, too slow, i have to go to bed.

how is downloading thru the torrent? i have no clue.

perhaps i just buy the ubuntu... but maybe too much for my P2.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 07    

Get btorrent from http://www.bittorrent.com/download
Then you can download in bits with not cut off and take as long as you need.
Only Ubuntu comes on a free CD.
You can of course buy xubuntu on CD from lots of sources inclunding eBay.
ubuntu will run on very low memory resources but need to know how low yours
are to advise.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 07    

You might try installing a download manager. It won't
necessarily speed up
the download, but they do a good job of maintaining
the connection. You can
get a good freebie called "freedownloadmanager" from
www.download.com . If
you are looking for a Linux to experiment with, there
is a small one (90M)
called Puppy Linux. It's full featured and pretty
fast. I'm using it on a
128M PC133 desktop and I'm pretty impressed. If you
decide to try it, you
will have to download it. Also, download the CD
burner (BurnCDCC)
recommended on the site. You can use it to burn the
CD from the iso.

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