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Software Piracy and Linux as a Solution

  Date: Dec 26    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 442

I know some very ethical people (in all other areas of their life) who use
pirated software and see nothing wrong with it. They may need MS Office so they
bring a copy home from work or need photo editing so they borrow a copy of
Photoshop. They find ways to excuse it, such as they need to work at home or
even everybody does it. But it is theft as far as the software industry is
concerned and they allege that it huge, costing them billions in lost revenue.

This can be one of the best selling points for Linux. It is a way to break the
cycle and now people have no excuse. They can be ethical in all areas of their
life. Once the rewritten version of the Gimp is released it should even fill the
in the Photoshop gap in the open source software line up.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 26    

I read this quote from you with great interest. Can you give more info?
I am always looking for better ways to manipulate my photos.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 26    

The new version of the GIMP is not released yet. The current development version
is version 2.5 and it is only a transitional package to what they are working
towards. We need to be patient. When completed the GIMP will offer CMYK/RGB
support, more color depth and non-destructive editing. It will be more like the
features found in professional editors now. The GIMP developers were limited in
the past by choices they had made early on. Now, they have abandoned those
standards and it is getting a total re-write using GEGL which gives graphing
with 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bits per pixel. It will have RGB support and full lab
color manipulation. Not only will it have advanced features, but it give the
GIMP more possiblities for adding new features in the future.

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