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Taking Linux for granted

  Date: Jan 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 396

Everyone has a right to complain and I've never been afraid of
complaining, but sometimes when I see people complain about Linux I'm
surprised. I think people take Linux for granted.

One of the favorite way's of complaining is comparing Windows and
Linux. In one way that's fair but in one way it's uneven. Because one
costs too much money and one is free. I was always taught growing up
that you weren't supposed to complain if you didn't like a present
that someone gave you for Christmas or your birthday.

Well Linux is like a gift. There are all these people out there
working on, and improving this free operating system, that if it was
owned by any one company, would probably be charging 200 US dollars or
more. These people aren't charging us for their time or anything.
Sure Linux has problems. It took me twelve years of trying different
distros and different versions of those distros before I finally found
one that I could install on my computer and everything worked.

Before now, several times a year I would try Linux and always one or
two of three things wouldn't work, the video, the modem, or the sound.
So I would wipe my drive again and put windows back on. It was so
frustrating because this went on for literally twelve years. Then I
found Ubuntu. I installed it on my Acer and everything worked the
first time. I installed in on my iBook G4 and couldn't get the wifi
card working. Now I have it installed on a P3 and everything works.
So I'm happy. Do I still have problems? Sure, but now I'm not having
to wipe my drive, sometimes as often as once a month because of some
virus or spyware that I can't get rid of otherwise or just to get
Windows running perfect again.

Sure it's got problems but it's free.

When I was in the military some people would complain about me
complaining. They would say, "You joined the military voluntarily,
why are you complaining?". I told them it was the right of everyone
to complain. I still believe that. But just consider. It's FREE.
And if your not happy with it switch to another OS that you can also
can complain about because nothings perfect.

I still complain about individual problems I have with Ubuntu but I
don't complain about Ubunut itself. I'm very grateful for this free
operating system that I don't have to register or pay for.



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