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run anti-virus software in Linux

  Date: Dec 27    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 504

Do you need to run anti-virus software in Linux? A typical newbie question is
answered here:



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 27    

As a Linux newbie I was wondering just how
vulnerable Linux is to viruses.
OK here is something for you guys to think about.
I'm into psychology and anybody who has gotten into Bill Gates head
has gotta be thinking that this "smiling assasin" has to be one of the
most devious and power hungry monsters on the planet. He won't stop
until he controls EVERYTHING and Linux is so user friendly now that
Bill has gotta be pissing in his pants for fear of losing his near
market monopoly of PC software.
So you want to bet me this monster isn't funding anti Linux virus
research as we speak???

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 27    

I do not agree at all with that link. It was short and sweet. Yet, leaving out
some details.
He fail to say that a Linux virus was created in a lab on purpose and was not
sent out to the world.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 27    

Which is more or less the reason some people in the industry are putting
forward as to why Bill is severing his links with Microsoft - they
reckon he has seen the writing on the wall and is getting out while his
stock options are still worth something.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 27    

Sour grapes more like. He is like many more successful men and is
finding satisfaction elsewhere. So what.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 27    

Anyone who's been around PCs from the gitgo, knows you pegged Gate's
style, just right!

From the intentional boobytrap of not allowing Win 3.1 to run with
DRDOS, to taking IBM for a ride with OS/2, before dumping their
"cooperative effort" to go with NT, to the outright thievery of
Stacker code...Bill Gates and Co. at MonopolySoft have never been
friendly players.

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