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reasons that I should move to 11.04?

  Date: Feb 05    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 420

I'm currently running 10.10 since I gave up on Windows back in April. I
have been looking at 11.04 and was wondering if I should move to that

I've read that there are some issues with moving to 11.04 and was wondering
if they have been resolved or not? Also, what are the reasons that I should
move to 11.04?



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 05    

I have just installed 11.04 via wubi and will tell you how it works for me.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 05    

There are two upgrade paths with Ubuntu, LTS to LTS (long term support)
which you are not using and normal releases. The last LTS was 10.04 and the
next one will be 12.04. Your choice is to upgrade through each version or
stay pat until you have to upgrade next April, then reinstall.
So you need a reason to upgrade.
If you want to try 11.10 which comes out October 13th then you must go
through 11.04 first.
There are no real problems with 11.04. Some don't like the default
interface, but you can still use the old one if you prefer.

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 05    

The biggest issue with 11.04 is that the Unity user-interface is not as polished
as it will be. At logon you can choose "Ubuntu classic" if you don't like it.

For people with new hardware, there are big improvements in (especially laptop)
audio and (especially USB) wireless hardware support. If your audio and wireless
work fine in 10.10, and you don't want to see how Unity works, there's no real
reason to change.

In another month, 11.10 will be available. Unity will be more mature in that

I have never done a version upgrade, as a clean install is less likely to cause
problems. It's a lot easier if you have separate root and home partitions, which
is set up at install time.

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 05    

I down loaded 11.04 via wubi. it took 5 hours even on my fast connection
but it works fine. I like the interface so far. it easy to see and work on.

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