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Hosed my toolbars on 11.04

  Date: Jan 29    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 467

I hosed my toolbar when i fat-keyed (use a redubutton mouse on my TP 43)
my menubar on its view function. Now I dont have a menu bar which means,
inter alia, i dont have a bookmarks tab. I cant seem to figure out, from my

refrences, how to correct my s/u.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



7 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 29    

Bookmarks tab? Are you talking Ubuntu or FF?

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 29    

I accidentally deleted my lauchbar from the top of my screen in ubuntu 10.10
how do I restore it?

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 29    

Right click on the bottom panel and choose New Panel. Then you have to add
items that were on your old panel by right clicking and Add to Panel. By
right clicking on an item on the Panel you can move it unless it is locked
in which case you will have to unlock it first. You can change a panel
setting by right click on a panel in a blank area of the panel and choose

This is all very well and good for as long as you are running an older
version of Ubuntu, but Classic GNOME (used in 10.10 and available for 11.04)
will be defunct soon. Ubuntu is killing it off with 11.10 and GNOME will do
so shortly afterwards. Each wants users to use their latest desktop, Unity
or GNOME 3. This is a big reason to not upgrade past 11.04. You will still
have it available in the repositories for as long as that version is
supported. Anything beyond that and you are out of luck and will be forced
to learn a new interface.

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 29    

For sticking with Gnome classic, wouldn't it be better then to stay with
10.04, since it has an extra 1-3 years support (for desktop/sever
respectively) compared to the lifetime of 11.04?

Answer #5    Answered On: Jan 29    

FF i didnt realize i was dealing w/the browser and the menu toolbar in
another fat brained moment i thought i was dealing with the O/S duh and
ive got recent college level courses in pc repair and a recently obtained
Ham General Class License oh double duh

Answer #6    Answered On: Jan 29    

I hope somebody can finish the suggestion I'm starting, because I did the same
thing, found a fix, but I don't remember the details. It involves starting FF in
safe mode, then you get a set of options, one of which is "restore toolbars" or
"reset toolbars," or something like that. Select that, and your missing toolbar
will reappear.

Answer #7    Answered On: Jan 29    

In Unity you get only one panel which is global like on the Mac. It combines
the top panel with the menu bar for the application. This can be confusing
for anyone not used to it. IMO, it is a nice touch but it is limiting. You
can only have one application per workspace and running in a window is
possible but does not make sense because the menu for the application is a
long way from the window. This is just a heads up for anyone considering
11.04 with Unity. It takes some getting used to.

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