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USB Printer Servers and Ubuntu 11.04/Mint 11

  Date: Feb 05    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 731

As no one responded to my recent posting for help.I have decided to
repost..I am planning[Hoping] to use my Epson DX7400 All in One Printer as my
sole wireless printer on my network of 4 x PC's two of them run Windows and the
other two Ubuntu and Mint.
I plan to use a TP-Link USB Print Server.

1..Does anyone see any problems doing it this way?

2 .. I am worried about getting Linux Drivers for the USB Print Server[Windows
Drivers are supplied]

Please help if you can



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 05    

I don't have that printer, nor do I have experience with wireless printers,
but two observations:

-- many printers are supported naively, built into the Linux kernel

-- look up "Linux printers" and you may find the information you are looking
for there

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 05    

Have a look at http://localhost:631/ and www.cups.org

CUPS=Common Unix Printing System which shows all printers working with Unix
type systems including Linux.
Sofar I have found all the printers 'thrown at me' in CUPS and they all work
with Linux from HP Laserjet (SCISI) to Epson 440 and R285 (USB)

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 05    

The main problem you will find is that print servers do just that,
i.e. share the printing function. It's more than possible that the
scanning function of your DX7400 won't be available over the network.

You'd probably be as well just getting a wireless multi-function
device and using that. Certainly would be less hassle setting it up !

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 05    

I'm pretty sure you don't need a driver for the print server, just for the
printer. Since you already have the printer, I assume it has been working for

I have a Brother laser printer which can be used wirelessly, but I chose to
cable it to my router. Every computer in the house can use it.

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