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64 bit Ubuntu

  Date: Dec 12    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 456

Well, I've been using 64 bit Ubuntu on my new machine (AMD Phenom,
Nvidia graphics, 8G of RAM and a 1TB drive) for more than a week now.

I have only three problems, but they are all annoying.

The worst is that sometimes when a window is placed on the screen
(usually by starting a program), sometimes it comes up a blank gray
box. Nothing will make the contents appear (that I have found) other
than minimizing it and restoring it. Then the contents are displayed,
but never refreshed unless the procedure is repeated. I have yet to
determine whether logging out or rebooting is required to bring things
back. It doesn't happen often enough to make it easy to check, and I
just got serious enough about it to care last night when I was working
on (trying to work on) my checkbook. I could have found out this
morning, but I forgot and shut the machine down to install a new UPS.
Next time I'm going to find out. I suspect logging out and back in
again will fix it.

Tied for second most annoying thing is the USB ports. I mentioned on
the 20th that I was having trouble printing. It turns out that the
trouble is intermittent USB ports. They always work on an external
disk drive, usually work on a memory stick, often don't work with my
printer, and never work with my camera (or its card in an adaptor).

The other second place problem is that Firefox will not download
files. Nothing happens when you click on a download link.

Looking these up with Google, I see that the first problem is likely
an Nvidia driver problem that's been around for a long time. It seems
to affect relatively few people, so I don't expect a fix soon.

The USB port problem seems to be a known interaction of 8.04 and 8.10
with some hardware. It might be fixed in 9.04, or so I hope.

The Firefox problem has not been researched yet.

I've been living with the grayed out windows. I've been printing to a
printer on another computer to get around the USB problem (and
plugging my camera into that machine as well). I've been using 32 bit
Firefox in a VirtualBox virtual machine running 32 bit Intrepid to get
around the download problem (VirtualBox works well running 32 bit
clients, not so well on 64 bit clients)

I have mixed feelings about the whole situation, but I do want to be
able to use all of that memory.



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 12    

I have Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit installed and everything works perfectly. It is not
likely a 64-bit vs 32-bit issue. Have you checked out Launchpad to see if this
is a bug peculiar to your hardware? The greyed windows sounds like a graphics
card issue. Are you running Compiz, BTW? Try installing Compiz Fusion Icon from
the repos and toggle Compiz off to see if it still is a problem? Try installing
a different desktop such as KDE because different window managers can make a

Firefox should not be an issue unless you are running the experimental release.
Try removing it and all of its settings and re-install and try to download
without any add-ons installed. It could be an issue with an add-on. If not
contact the Mozilla folks directly.

USB works fine for me. Which version of usb do you have? Is it usb 3.0?

It may be something that will be improved with the next kernel as you system is
quite recent. There is always a lag because of the way Ubuntu does it. Drivers
are not included separately and OEMs don't always cooperate with kernel
developers, so there is often a lag between releases.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 12    

> USB works fine for me. Which version of usb do you have? Is it usb 3.0?

Plain old 2.0. I'm going to try a USB card from another machine and
disable the onboard USB to see what happens.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 12    

I've tried 64 bit Firefox on
a VirtualBox instance. No problems. I'll try removing my add-ons, but
I think I had this problem right out of the box, before any add-ons
were tried.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 12    

I get the grayed out screens. What is happening on my system is the
same thing as a grayed out menu, i.e. something is not available, in
my case my router fails me and my connection is lost. Because Ubuntu
is waiting on hardware issues or more correctly my router transmitting
information it grays the window effected.

As for USB problems if not a consistent problem it to is unlikely a
problem with the OS is the USB system suported by Linux? I am thinking
some functions needed for the hardware may not be. Maybe a look for
updates may be in order.

I have been using the 64 bit OS 8.10 from the time it came out. I am
happy with it. I just installed studio for the movie editing using 64
bit and 8.04, like before with 8.04 will not work for the Internet
connection but I don't care I will boot into the system I need.

Hope some of this info will help you trouble shoot your system.

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