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Printer problems - it was working fine!

  Date: Jan 23    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 396

I have a 3.0 GZ HP desktop running Lucid Lynx 10.4 with an HP 990Cse Deskjet
printer. For 6 months I had no problem even was printing remotely with my
netbook running Mint 8, based on Ubuntu. I downloaded some Ubuntu updates and
some pdf management software, now the printer not only doesn't work or is even
listed in the printer box, but I can't even add a printer. When I go to
System>Admenstration>Printing, new printer it is grayed out. I know the printer
with the cable works OK, as I have printed direct from my netbook, no problem.
I tried to remove all the pdf software, still no luck. Any ideas on how to get
my HP printer working with my HP desktop again?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 23    

Whatever your problem is I don't think that it has anything to do with the
pdf software. It is likely a permissions problem and is probably fixable by
going to users and groups in System, Administration. Make sure that you are
a member of the printing group. you will need root access to do that.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 23    

Thanks for the help. I re-installed CUPS, that did not work, removed it, and
reinstalled it, printer did show up, it was gone from the printers listed, but
had an error message, printer did not exist when I tried to print to it. Went
into System>Administration>Printer, right clicked on my HP printer, noticed a
check mark in front of "shared" but "enable" was *not* checked. Clicked on
enable, check mark appeared and printer is working fine!

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 23    

I have never seen this addressed but is there a way to back out an
update using update manager? If so maybe back out the last update

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