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  Date: Dec 13    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 404

I recently downloaded PCLINUX 2009. When I go to help it says its
XUBUNTU 8.04. A friend toldy me about pc/os. In Ubuntu I could
download a file that's a .tgz I believe and I could click extract here
and execute the program. Since I downloaded pclinux 2009 which in help
says its xubuntu I still get the executeable icon but it won't
execute. I can get programs from synaptic manager, but I can't get the
.tgz files to work.
Anyone have any suggestions?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 13    

File-roller is an archive manager for the GNOME environment that handles
.tgz files. I don't know if Xubuntu installs it by default but I think
Ubuntu does - I know I have it on my Ubuntu systems. You may need a plug-in
to use it with Thunar, assuming that's your file manager in Xubuntu.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 13    

Not sure about pclinux 2009.
Anyway normal method of extracting .tgz's is from a terminal and using the
command line.
tar zvxf nameoffile enter for a home uppack
sudo in front if you want to do it from one of the system directories.
eg I usually move anything like that to /usr/share and extract it there.
You then cd into the created folder and read any install instructions to find
out how to proceed further.

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