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Java IDE to fit on an LS120 disk

  Asked By: Dale    Date: Jun 27    Category: Java    Views: 654

I am brand new to Java, just starting a course here this semester.

I need to download a copy of the Java IDE to fit on an LS120 disk
that I can use with DOS.

Can anyone help me find a version I can download?



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Jonathan Brown     Answered On: Jun 27

If you are brand new to Java I wouldn't use a IDE, I would find  some
very simple Java editor like JCreate, JEdit or any of the other popular

Answer #2    Answered By: Husani Chalthoum     Answered On: Jun 27

Is JAVA DOS compatible ???????????????

Answer #3    Answered By: Jared Adams     Answered On: Jun 27

What kind of DoS are you talking about, the ones that come on windows 95
and later or some sort actual DoS system?

Answer #4    Answered By: Tarrant Thompson     Answered On: Jun 27

About DOS, or as it is called nowadays (at least as
far as I know, the console.

Java will run in a console window (looking exactly and
having the feel of DOS. This is an excellent way to
start learning Java, probably the way everybody once
started their journey. This might not be what you
asked for, but I just wanted to point this out, that
this is the way you should start programming.

For example, open a console window, it's called the
same nowaday in Unix, Linux and Windows. Try out some
simple algorithms and input and export some strings.
Then, when you are ready, pop up an AWT window, then
go on to the Swing package for better performance.

Java was made for TV set top boxes, household items,
cellphones etc, so if you wanna program in a "DOS" or
console it's probably no problem, now I don't know
about your disk  thing there, but try Java in a regular
environment first.

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