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Load version of Basic onto my Ubuntu PC

  Date: Jan 08    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 417

I wanted to load a version of Basic onto my Ubuntu PC as I enjoy using
MS Qbasic and BBC Basic for Windows(a very good program incidentally)
when I am wearing my Microsoft Hat.

I loaded BW Basic using Synaptic as that looked like a good place to
start - but - I can't see a link to it anywhere or find any sign of it
on the PC when I run a search. I reopened Synaptic and the small box
is colored green - which I interpret as meaning it *is* installed.

Am I having a thicky moment ? Can anyone point me in the right
direction as to where it might be and how I run it please ?



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 08    

You might to back to synaptic and click on the program and then you can
see what files were installed and where. It might be a cmd line program
without a link so you'll have to create one.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 08    

To run, open a terminal and type 'bwbasic'. To see a list of the
installed files, go into Synaptic, find bwbasic, right-click on it and
select 'Properties'. There's a tab in the resulting dialog called
'Installed files' - three guesses what that does

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 08    

Another option is to open a terminal and type in:

"whereis bwbasic" (without the quotes)

This will return not only the location of the executable but any
associated files as well.

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 08    

I'd never heard of 'whereis' before (yes, I
am still a relative newbie :-) ) but will be using it from now on -
*much* easier than my way :-)

Answer #5    Answered On: Jan 08    

Yes I will confirm your answer. Open up the terminal and type in
Just like in the old dos days.

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