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how install ati drivers

  Date: Jan 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 464

how install ati drivers on ubuntu 7.04 , i tried of follow guides etc
etc on the net for install the drivers for my ati 9250 card but when i
reboot the system voila the x server is broken i formated the pc 6
timess due to this, somebody know how install the sti drivers and
avoid that x server get broken?

by the way my mainboard have a via pm4266 chipset



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 07    

You dont't have to format each time the x server breaks up. Just restore
a copy of /etc/X11/xorg.conf you'll probably have in the same directory.
Make the xorg.conf copy before installing the driver if you don't see

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