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Kubuntu/Jaunty not allowing me to install Nvidia driver

  Date: Dec 11    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 439

Whenever I try installing the Nvidia driver through the driver
manager, it tells me Jockey has crashed on the back end. I've tried
several times and have rebooted. In the past, when using 8.10 I've
tried manually installing Nvidia's driver but it tells me I can't
because X Windows (in my case KDE) is running. When this system had
8.10 I was able to get it installed through the driver manager. How
can I shut down KDE so I can install the driver manually in Jaunty
since Jockey keeps crashing.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 11    

I had the same problems here initially. Then discovered that the
driver was actually installed but it wasn't working properly. I
deactivated it. Rebooted and then tried activating it again.
This time it worked.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 11    

Ok, how did you deactivate it? It doesn't show as active.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 11    

Mine did show as active even after getting that error message, yours
apparently is different, hopefully someone will have an answer for you.

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