Very interesting site, thank you. I tested Xubuntu again (from the live CD)
and it worked fast, but was not very impressive. I could also configure that
damned PPPoE connection without problems. But Damn Small Linux is really
amazingly fast both on good and bad computers and although it has a complex
program for the PPPoE connection it does not have the option for this kind of
PPPoE from RDS. If it had that I would install it.
It is interesting that Knoppix simply reboots my PC at home at a certain
point, whereas it runs nicely on a far weaker PC at the office. Feather Linux, a
Knoppix derivative works everywhere. But also does not have the option for the
PPPoE from RDS.
Puppy Linux is also very very fast and it detects all disks and it can be run
and used as a file recovery tool on machines on which Slax Linux does not run
I am very impressed by the Dillo browser, although it does not show much. I
generally prefer Mozilla.