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Which Version?

  Date: Jan 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 418

I am going to start displaying at least one reconditioned laptop for
sale with Ubuntu on it . I see at the dwonload site
http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download that there are 2 versions
available, 6.06 LTS, which is supported through 2009, and 7.04, which
currently only has suport through 2008. Would 6.06 be the better choice
to put in a unit for sale to the public?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 04    

7.04 would be better due better drivers and HW detection. All so that 7.04 would
be idea , because the end use cannot up upgrade from Dapper 6.06 to Edgy 7.04
will out doing a full new install. Mainly the Ubie people are saying for LTS.
That they will not turn off the back ports for several years. Yiu cannot charge
for Ubuntu on a computer. It is free and charging for it may get you in trouble.
Yet, you can give a fee for installing it, because time is money.

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