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Ubuntu-Winxp dual-boot question

  Date: Dec 19    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 454

I know that at the end of the installation process it asks if you want
Grub loaded into the MBR, which is difficult to undue later if you
remove Ubuntu (unless you got xp retail). I did this with Ubuntu Studio.

My question is, if at the end of the install process, you choose NOT
to have it loaded into the MBR, then what happens? How are you able
to load Ubuntu when booting up?



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 19    

Your system will not boot.............

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 19    

There is a way to force the Windows boot loader to load a Linux
installation, you'll find it online. It involves copying the MBR to a file
and telling the Windows boot loader to execute that file, which then loads
up Linux. Very round-about.

I would recommend loading Grub.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 19    

I'm no expert but when i researched the dual-boot options i came to
the conclusion that the best way was to have two hard drives. That
setup works very easily with 6 month releases as it allows one to
fully check each HD.

One thing i have found useful with both winblows and ubuntu is the
have a remote drive for data (which i can also just connect easily to
a different machine when necessary) and just HD system drives on the
machine. I have bitter memories of forgetting to backup data when i've
been under pressure and so don't take the risk now. perhaps i'm
cautious or old fashioned but i like to 'scandisk' thoroughly each HD
before installation.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 19    

I've already moved all my main data to an external drive, allowing me
to shrink the Win partition greatly.

I've tried using 2 hard-drives for dual booting, but unfortunately I
have defective mobo's. The Intel one, only lets me use 2 drives at a
time (hdd/dvd), and I don't feel like getting a USB/IDE adapter just
yet (remains a future choice). My other non-win machine, a Biostar
mobo, won't let me boot from the second drive, even though I make the
necessary changes in the BIOS, it's still boots the same way. I
haven't tried booting from an external drive, but I know it's slower
compared to an internal one.

And I separated the Ubuntu partitions, because I read somewhere it'd
make it easier to install an upgrade, leaving the /home and swap
separately. Guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. The
winXP on my main/dual-boot machine seems to be corrupted a bit, and
since I don't have any winxp disks to repair it, I'll just use it
until it's no longer worth keeping.

All my data goes onto the external drive, but I have another
hdd-enclosure that I use to clone the main drive, being able to swap
it, in case anything happens to it. My work-around for re-activating
windows doesn't work anymore, should I change the mobo again.

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