I loaded Ubuntu on my wife's computer but after awhile she did notwant it. (She hates having to learn something new on the computer). Sonow I need to remove Ubuntu.Ubuntu was loaded onto a second HD and I am assuming that the bootloader is on the second HD also. If I remove the Ubuntu HD I am unableto boot the computer at all. I am told the boot record is missing.How do I get it to boot XP??
Sounds like the boot drive pointer in the BIOS is pointing to the wrongdrive. There should be a setting to boot from cdrom, first hdd, secondhdd, etc.
Google 'fix mbr' and you will find the instructions on how to use yourXP disk to fix your situation. I have used it more than once. Works fine.If you don't have an XP disk, I can't be of help.
You need your Windows CD then you repair the bootloader.See this link:bobmorris.wordpress.com/.../how-to-uninstall-ubuntu-on-dual-boot-w\indows-xp-using-windows-only/
I appreciate all the info that I have gotten on restoring the bootloader in XP. I have not tried it yet because I am trying to back upmy wife's files. but her computer may be user friendly to her but not tome.I am looking forward to 8.10 so I can reinstall it on my computer. Ihave installed 8.04 on two other computers but I am unable to establisha dial-up connection no matter what I try. I have followed the threadon the modems and establishing a dial-up connection on this group.Unless I am mistaken the dial-up issue has been dealt with in 8.10, so Iam looking forward to that and getting back to Ubuntu.