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Change The "Software Source" in Ubuntu Server 8.04

  Date: Dec 19    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 669

Please advise me how to change software sources, from mirror server to main
server in ubuntu server 8.04.
I live in Indonesia. I have a problem to update or dowload / install
applications, because Indonesian server seems to be error or not working, many
update package or application package not available.

In desktop version, I can solve this problem by changing the software sources in
GUI (System > Administration > Software Sources) from Ubuntu Indonesia Server
into Main Server.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 19    

cd to /etc/apt, and edit your sources.list file to uncomment out the
last two lines of the comment which are normally:
# deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy universe
# deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy universe

You should then be able to launch the Synaptic Package Manager and
Reload which should help.

Check the Settings>Repositories in Synaptic Package Manager for the
Desktop version. Also, by setting it to the Main server with the
Desktop and Reloading, afterwards copy the sources.list files and
perhaps tar the entire directory from /etc/apt, and place it onto your
system that is not the Desktop - which may help your situation.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 19    

I've got the point, but not yet have a time to fix that..
By the way, to edit sources.list, can't use 'gedit', maybe 'vim'...
Is it right?

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 19    

Try: $ sudo gedit <filename>
or $ sudo vi <filename>

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