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12.010 system settings sound

  Date: Feb 19    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 756

i wonder if anyone can help at all with a problem i'm having
getting sound out of my lenovo idea centre machine running quantal
when i look st sound in the system settings app, the output is set to
dummy output and i can no longer see any way of changing that, i used to
have a hdmi option which would direct the sound to my monitor an spdif
option for the optical out and headphones options for the two audiojack
sockets, i have no idea where dummy sound is output, we've tried
connecting spdif and both of the audio outs to an amp and to headphones
but not a dickybird through any of them wwhile output is stuck on dummy,
does anyone have any idea how i can change the output.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 19    

If all you are getting is 'dummy output' in the settings then it would
suggest the sound chip isn't being detected or isn't compatible with
Quantal. Did you have it working in 12.04 ?

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