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Sound issue

  Date: Jan 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 419

I've noticed that when I have Firefox and another program that uses
sound (like gaim or Rhythmbox) running, Firefox has no sound (i.e, when
I play a flash animation or a Java Applet that uses sound, I get
nothing). If I close all programs that use sound and restart Firefox, I
get sound until another program tries to use sound (like if I get a new
e-mail in Thunderbird or someone signs on in gaim), and then I have no
sound again - except for the web page I'm currently on.

I have a Compaq Presario 5001SR with Ubuntu 6.06 running on it using the
built-in sound hardware (VIA 82C686A/B Rev 20, according to the sound
preferences). The system has some modification to it (replacing the
broken hard drive and the display card, replacing a CD-ROM drive with a
DVD drive, upgrading the RAM, and swapping out a modem for a Wireless card).

I do have ESD enabled in sound preferences as well.



6 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 04    

Mine is the opp to yours. I have a SB Live sound card and on board. With FF my
oe board will play the sound and the rest on the SB. Have you tried this? Go to
the speaker icon and double click. Go to file and see if your sound card is on
default. Next go to Edit and then Preferences. Check to see if all tracks are
mark visable. Check your volume control levels next. You can al so check
System>Prefernces> Sound and see if you sound is detected there too. I kind of
bugs me cause my sound card use to run all sound. Ugg.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 04    

The only spare sound card I have is an SB 64 that'll only fit in an ISA
port (which I don't have - just a few PCI's and an AGP). And yeah, my
sound card is detected in both the volume control and sound
preferences. And the only settings that are muted or set at minimum in
volume control are 3D control and recording devices (since I have none)

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 04    

Your might try checking these settings. In terminal run alsamixer.
You also might check out this how to it helped me back in breezy


Other than that all I can say is good luck, I hate sound problems
because there are so many settings in so many programs.

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 04    

I installed Dapper Drake on a new laptop (vista is still in its wrapper).

It does mostly what I want, but I can't figure out how sound works.
The laptop controls say that the sound is muted, but I still hear sound.

Some applications seem to have independent control over the built-in
speakers. When I play DVDs the sound is too soft. When I play games
the sound is too loud.

Is there a system tool that can override the individual programs'
control over my speakers?

Answer #5    Answered On: Jan 04    

What is the make and model.


Answer #6    Answered On: Jan 04    

Great Quality
It is not on the compatibility list

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