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Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper of year 1998

Posted By: Milind Mishra     Category: OOAD     Views: 2100

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper of year 1998.

Q-1Attempt any 9 from the following:[9]
Give appropriate reasons in support to your answer.

1.Represent the following sentence in a semantic net representation: “Smith gave a book to Peter”.
2.Show the similarity between Perception model and the biological Neuron model.
3.Mention how does an expert system differ from a traditional computer application.
4.What are the requirements of a good control strategy for search in a state-space search.
5.What is an expert system shell?
6.Write the following using existential quantifier only ?x: not P(x).
7.Mention a heuristic function for solving the tile problem in which 8 tiles need to be arranged in a specific by movement of tiles with the help of a blank tile.
8.When memory is limited, which search method should be preferred out of Depth First and Breadth First. Why?
9.Explain why the name “Minimax” is given to the minimax algorithm.
10.Is it possible to exchange values of two variables in a PROLOG predicate? Explain why?
11.What is meant by “tail recursion”? Explain its advantages.

Q-2 Answer short notes 1 of the following:[8]

a)Describe the “Perception” model and show how it can solve XOR gate problem.
b)Describe “Hopfield Network” and show how it works. Consider an example, show it graphically and mention one of its stable states.

Q-3Write short notes on any 2 of the following:[8]

1.Turing test
2.Hill Climbing method and its algorithm
3.Well known definitions of Artificial Intelligence

Section II

Q-4Write a PROLOG program on any 1 of the following:[9]

a)Water jug problem having 2 water jugs of capacities 4 and 3 liters each and it required to generate a solution path leading to a water jug containing 2 liters of water.
b)8-Queens puzzle in which it is required to place 8 queens on a chessboard such that no two queens can capture each other.

Q-5Answer any 2 of the following:[8]

1.Describe different components of an expert system.
2.What are the limitations of propositional logic that are overcome by predicate logic. Give examples.
3.What is the difference between 1) Monotonic and 2) Non-monotonic reasoning?

Q-6Answer any 2 of the following:[8]

a)Consider that facts for the following predicates are already stored in a PROLOG program:
1.person (P)
2.likes (P, Drink)
3.plays (P, Instrument)
Translate the following questions into appropriate queries in PROLOG:
1.Is it true that nobody likes wine?
2.Does anybody like wine?
3.Who likes wine?
4. Who likes wine as well as plays piano?
5.Does everybody play atleast one instrument?
6.Who play 2 instruments?
b)What output is expected when the following fragment of the program is run with goal print?
do :- write (“1).
do :- write (“2), do.
Print : - do, write (“3), fail.
c)Write appropriate sentences 
1.Mary likes anybody who likes to play chess.
2.All yellow mushrooms are poisonous.
3.All postmen are bitten by some dogs.
4.When vacation started, all students went home.
5.Everybody likes to eat some vegetable or some vegetables.
6.When it is cloud, John us stated to carry an umbrella.

Milind Mishra
Milind Mishra author of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper of year 1998 is from India.
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