1.Answer the following. ( Any 6 )
1.1.Explain with example. - Abstraction and modeling
1.2.What are different properties of Aggregation ? Explain with example.
1.3.Short Note : Candidate Key
1.4.Explain Accidental Multiple Inheritance with example.
1.5.What are the different types of relationships in UML ? Explain with example.
1.6.Explain the process of reverse engineering and forward engineering with the help of collaboration diagram.
1.7. Define the terms :
2.Answer the following.
2.1.What is Interaction diagram ? Which are different types of interaction diagrams ? Explain sequencing for each type of the interaction diagram with example.
2.2.Use cases vs. Scenario vs. Collaborations
2.3.Explain with example – Extensibility Mechanisms(12)
3.For NavRatri Raas-Garba event management system ..
[ Make suitable assumptions, as necessary ]
3.1.Draw use case diagram. Use actor, generalization, include and extend relationships.
3.2.Draw the activity diagram. Use swimlane, branch, fork, join, and object flow.