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Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper - 2 of year 1999

Posted By: Milind Mishra     Category: Artificial Intelligence     Views: 2286

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper - 2 of year 1999.

Section I

Q-1 Attempt any 3 from following:[9]

1.Describe how “repeat “ predicate works giving examples for its usage.
2.How are facts stored and removed from a dynamic database?
3.Define list_element recursive predicate which can give the last element of a list. Give an example of its call. Do not write a full program.
4.Define append_lists predicate which can append given 2 lists and removing repetition of members.

Q-2 Attempt any 2 of the following:[8]

a)Consider that in a PROLOG program, following family relationships are already available:
parent ( Parent, Child)
sex (Person, Sex)
brother_or_sister( Person1, Person2)
      Use above relationships to define following new relationships:
mother (Mother, Child)
son (Son, Parent)
grandfather ( Grandfather, Child)
uncle (Uncle, Niece)
cousin ( Cousin1, Cousin2)
     Assume that a database on the above relationships is available in the PROLOG program. Use the 
      relationships to set up the queries on the following: 
Display all grand fathers of Sanjay’s cousins.
Display all uncles of Ramesh’s cousin.
Display all sisters of Amit.
Display all grand sons and grand daughters of Joseph.
b)Write a PROLOG program to display integer numbers from 1 to 100 on successive lines. However 
whenever a number divisible by 3 or 7 occurs, display “BUZZ3” or “BUZZ7” respectively next to the 
number. The output should therefor be as follows:
c)Collect information about 100 students. The information for each student is in the following form:
list of 7 subjects opted
Having collected the details, print out the details of the students in following different categories of the age groups:
14 years and below
15 to 17 years
18 to 20 years
21 to 25 years
26 years and above

Q-3Write short notes on any 2 of the following [8]
1.The use of cut vs fail
2.Backtracking and unwinding
3.Procedural vs functional programming languages

Q-4Explain Predicate Logic and show how it can be used to carry out resolution.[9]
Use Predicate Logic and write wff (well formed formulae) for the following sentences:
1.Every heavenly object worth discussing is a star, a planet or a comet.
2.Venus is a heavenly object, which is not a star.
3.Comets near the sun have tails.
4.Venus is near the sun but does not have a tail.
Add one more obvious fact such that all the facts can be used to imply the conclusion:
Venus is a planet.

Q-5Attempt any 2 of the following:
a)Construct truth tables for the following:
1.not ( P -> not Q)
2.(not P) and (Q or R)
3.(P -> Q) -> ((not P) or Q)
4.(P or Q) and (P -> Q)
5.((not P) and (not Q) or (P or Q)
b)Describe what are “Universal” and existential quantifiers. Write the following entities using existential 
1.A(x) : P(x)]
2.A(x) : (not P(x))
3.not A(x) . p(x)
4.not (not A(x)) . (not P(x))
Where A(x) represents the universal quantifier “for all x”.
c)Give appropriate heuristic functions to solve the following problems:
1.The 8 puzzle (having a blank tile in a 3*3 matrix of tiles)
2.Tic Tac Toe
3.Blocks world problem

Q-6Write short notes on any 2 of the following[8]
1.Hill climbing algorithm
2.What distinguishes an AI technique?
3.Hopfield network


Milind Mishra
Milind Mishra author of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper - 2 of year 1999 is from India.
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