Section I
Q-1 Consider the following sentences:[9]
1.Ram likes all kinds of food.
2.Apples are food.
3.Pizza is food.
4.Anything anyone eats and isn’t killed by is food.
5.Mohan eats peanuts and isn’t killed.
a)Translate these sentences into formulas in predicate logic.
b)Prove that Ram likes peanuts using backward chaining.
c)Convert the formulas of (a) into clause form.
d)Prove that ram likes peanuts using resolution.
Q-2 Attempt any two parts:[8]
1.What are the characteristics of Artificial Intelligence? Explain by giving an example.
2.Explain algorithm for either BFS or DFS. Discuss pros and cons of these methods by comparing them.
3.Describe A* algorithm:
Q-3 How are expert systems built? How cans an expert system to be made an effective tool? What are the
various user categories of an expert?[8]
Q-3 Describe “Hopfield Network” and show how it works. Consider an example, show it graphically and
mention one of its stable states.[8]
Section II
Q-4 a) Assume that in a given prolog program family relations are defined as[9]
parent (Person, Child)
male (Person)
female (Person)
Use above relations to define
i)brother (Brother, Person)
ii)granddaughter (Granddaughter, Person)
iii)predecessor (Predecessor, Person)
b) Write a turbo prolog program to find last element of the list.
c) Explain Cut predicate illustrating through an example. How does red cut differ from green cut?
Q-5 a) Write a turbo prolog program to generate (print) Fibonacci series 1,1,2,3,5,8……upto nth Fibonacci
number in the sequence.[8]
b) Explain how facts are stored and removed from Dynamic Database.
Q-5 a) Explain the concepts of procedure and backtracking in prolog.[8]
b) Write a turbo prolog program to generate all permutations of a given list.
Q-6 Write short notes on any two:[8]
a)Difference between Artificial Neural Network techniques and conventional AI techniques.
b)Heuristic Function with example.