Section I
Q-1 a) Represent the following sentences in predicate logic:[6]
i)Dashrath was a king
ii)Ram was brother of Laxman.
iii)Everyone is loyal to someone.
iv)Kapildev is allrounder Cricketer who stays in Chandigardh.
v)All men and women are mammels.
b) Explain conjunctive normal form with suitable example.[3]
Q-2 a) When should best-first search be worse than simple breath-first search?[4]
b) Define the problem space, goal state. How does they are playing roles in solution of AI problem.[4]
Q-2 Solve the 8-puzzle problem using hill climbing.
Q-3 Attempt any two:[8]
i)Forward versus Backward Reasoning
ii)AO* Algorithm
iii)Inferential Knowledge
Section II
Q-4 a) Write PROLOG program to flatten the given list. (i.e. for [a, [b, c], [d, [e, f], g], h], your output is [a, b, c,
d, e, f, g, h].[5]
b) Write PROLOG program for counting 000 to 999.[4]
Q-5 How would the minmax procedure have to be modified to be used by a program playing a three or four
person game rather than a two-person one?[8]
Q-5 How are expert system built? How an expert system be made an effective tool.
Q-6 Attempt any two:[8]
1.Pragmatic Analysis in NLP
2.Knowledge acquisition