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Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper of year 2001

Posted By: Milind Mishra     Category: Artificial Intelligence     Views: 2485

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper of year 2001.

Section I

Q-1 Consider the Water-Jug problem (having 2 jugs of capacity 4 and 3 liters each). Describe the solution 
path by mentioning successive rules to be applied to the initial state (0,0) so as to reach to the goal state 

Q-2 Attempt any two parts:
a)Describe and explain the hill-climbing algorithm. What are the problems of this method and how are 
they resolved?[4]
b)Describe the architecture of an expert system giving a block diagram and describing each part briefly.
c)What are the different steps in the Natural Language processing? Explain each step briefly giving an 

Q-3 Attempt any two parts:
a)Explain breadth first search. Give an example of a problem for which breadth first would work better 
than depth first search.[4]
b) Describe “Hopfield Network” and show it works by considering an example.[4]
c) Explain how are artificial neural networks different from conventional AI techniques.[4]

Section II

Q-4 Consider the following sentences:[9]
i)Mohan likes to watch all kinds of movies.
ii)“Lagaan” is a movie.
iii)Anything anyone watches in a theater is definitely a movie.
iv)Ram watches “Titanic” in a theatre.
a)Represent the above sentences into predicate logic.
b)Convert the formulas of (a) into clause form.
c)Prove that Mohan likes to watch “totanic” using resolution.

Q-5 Attempt any two parts:
a)  Assume that in a given prolog program family relations are defined as [4]
parent (person, child)
male (person)
female (person)
     Use above relations to define
i)Sister ( sister, person)
ii)Grandson ( Grandson, person)
iii)Uncle (Uncle, Person)
iv)Predecessor( Predecessor, Person)
b)Write a program in turbo prolog to generate Fibonacci series 1,1,2,3,5,8….upto nth Fibonacci number in the sequence.[4]
c)Explain the use of cut predicate illustrating with example.[4]

Q-6 Write turbo prolog programs for[8]
a)Concatenation of two lists.
b)Generating all sublists of a given list.
c)To flatten a given list
d)Reversing a given list


Q-6Explain briefly the following concepts:[8]
b)Fail predicate
c)Dynamic database


Milind Mishra
Milind Mishra author of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems university paper of year 2001 is from India.
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