You use the live version to install a copy onto whatever medium you desire.
You can install it to the hard drive of the netboot or to another larger usb
key or even a SD card. One of my netbooks has a SSD and the other has a 160
GB HD. I kept Windows on the HD and installed Ubuntu NRM to a 16 GB SD card
and it runs like a breeze. It is silent, unlike when it runs from a HD where
the fan and drive can be noisy.
If you install to the HD then you may have to partition or format. If you
install to a key or SD card then you don't. Just make sure that you write
the grub menu to the drive that it is installed on. That is done on on the
second last page before the installation actually begins (page 7). Click on
the Advanced button in the bottom right. It enables you to write to grub
where you want.
When you boot you have to hit the ESC key to get the boot manager to kick in
then select the device that you want to boot. You can also have it written
to the HD however, that can be tricky if you are in the habit of removing
devices as I am or changing order etc. There are advantages both ways.