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Installing Ubuntu under VMWARE under Windows 7 64bit?

  Date: Feb 05    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 496

I have VMWARE with Windows XP 32 bit OS--installed by a techie. I'd like to add
ubuntu. Any recommendations or gotchas I need to watch out for?

Also, I don't conceptually grasp VMWARE's behavior and location:

- Is it simply a series of hidden files in Windows 7--or does it create
it's own unique
disc partition that is completely independent of Windows 7?

- Will I be able to "see" and access Window's 7 files from within a
VMWARE ubuntu?

- Which ubuntu is most appropriate--32bit or 64bit? 4GB of
ram--expandable to 8GB!



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 05    

I can't answer your questions precisely because I have not done it your way.
I have done it with a Linux host and Windows client which more sense for a
number of reasons. The main one is that Linux can go months without needing
to reboot. Also there is much less chance of losing your VM due to a crash
or infection.
However your way should work.
A VM is just a large container file that mimics a drive creating a computer
within a computer. This is where I cannot help. I don't know W7 well enough
to tell you where it is located. It will likely be with your documents and
settings. Look for a large file. It may be in a hidden directory.
You can of course create a new VM with Ubuntu. Stick with 32-bit. You will
need space for about 8 gb, larger if you plan on installing much or work
worth large files such as multimedia.

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