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  Question Asked By: Ted Collins   on Feb 03 In MS Office Category.

Question Answered By: Ryder Anderson   on Feb 03

Actually, what Joe WROTE was ...
"...how do I verify that it is only running on the specified network
... and ...
"I don't want someone to copy this template to, say, a flashdrive and
install it somewhere else."

Now, only Joe knows what he means, but I agree with Craig that this
discussion is trying to find a complicate solution a simple task.

I understood the original request to be ...
"What would be the best way to restrict it's use so it only runs  at work?"

To that, I offered the way in VBA to test the network  domain the user
is logged into, which will restrict the user to be on the company's
domain to *run* the macro. It's impossible to prevent someone from
taking the file somewhere else, but preventing the execution was the
task at hand, as I understood it.

That said, I'm not a professional VBA coder, I only use it
occasionally to solve problems or automate tasks I can't otherwise
solve in Excel. Thus my point of view may not be inclusive enough to
understand the real question.



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