I am not sure if this what you want.
I am assuming you have a column with letters and numbers in each cell (e.g.
"xyz147s" and you want to show "147".
Put the following function in a module - that is a module!!! you need to add a
module to the project in the VBE.
Paste the text in
Look for any red lines where something has got corrupted and correct them.
Then in another column enter the formula stripnumbers(A1) if A1 is the first
cell you want to deal with.
Copy the formula down the length of the column
If you want to fix the results just select, copy, and paste special, values.
If you want to do something else please explain more precisely.
The subject and content seem to be talking about opposite aims.
'### CODE ###
Option explicit
Function stripletters(source As String) As String
'Returns a string comprising only the numbers
target = ""
For x = 1 To Len(source)
thisletter = Mid(source, x, 1)
If Asc(thisletter) > 47 And Asc(thisletter) < 58 Then
target = target & thisletter
End If
Next x
stripletters = target
End Function
'### End of Code ###