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where i do the change

  Asked By: Jawna    Date: Oct 30    Category: MS Office    Views: 719

Can any one please tell me how to i modify the sumif3D code so that it will
accept the file name too. I try it to pass 4th argument in it but it shows
#VALUE. I copy that formula from site


Function SumIf3D(Range3D As String, Criteria As String, _
Optional Sum_Range As Variant) As Variant
Dim sTestRange As String
Dim sSumRange As String
Dim Sheet1 As Integer
Dim Sheet2 As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim Sum As Double
' Application.Volatile
If Parse3DRange(Application.Caller.Parent.Parent.Name, _
Range3D, Sheet1, Sheet2, sTestRange) = False Then
SumIf3D = CVErr(xlErrRef)
End If
If IsMissing(Sum_Range) Then
sSumRange = sTestRange
sSumRange = Sum_Range.Address
End If
Sum = 0
For n = Sheet1 To Sheet2
With Worksheets(n)
Sum = Sum + Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIf(.Range _
(sTestRange), Criteria, .Range(sSumRange))
End With
Next n
SumIf3D = Sum
End Function



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Jimmie Ramirez     Answered On: Oct 30

You would need to change

Function SumIf3D(Range3D As String, Criteria As String, _
Optional Sum_Range As Variant) As Variant


Function SumIf3D(Range3D As String, Criteria As String, _
Optional Sum_Range As Variant,Optional WkBkFileName As Variant) As

For it to be useful you would also need to make use of the WkBkFileName later
on in the code.

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