I would say by far, this is the BEST Excel(w/VBA) Forum there is on the Internet
This forum provides all of its readers, of technical insights into Excel and
VBA(within Excel).
Whether the technical solutions are for people learning AND also for
Advanced Excel(VBA) programmers to advance their knowledge even further.
This may also include, those who work on some Engineering solutions utilizing
It would be great to see and hear some Advanced Statiscal concepts&ideas which
can also be
implemented in Excel(w/VBA); such as Quadratic, Polynomials Equations and
Linear&Non-Linear Regressions.
In addition, this Forum is the BEST there is when it informs and notifies its
readers of great promotional MSDN Subscription "GiveAway" opportunities.
And also indicating whom the winner(s) are, and this is absolutely great!
This keeps the technical Excel(w/VBA) community up-to-date with what
is happening in the Excel (w/VBA) community, and in addition to other
forthcoming additional technical software and innovations from Microsoft.
As I absolutely LOVE Microsoft and of its software quality products.
I was visiting a technical university( Alumni ) and talking to a professor in
their computing department.
He indicated, I don't know that much about Microsoft and started talking about
Mac OS X and of the new MAC laptop he has.
I told him, Microsoft is such a GREAT company and is the BEST there is of its
suite of software products.
He seems to have this anti-Microsoft ( bias ) feelings, AND I don't like this at
Any ideas how to reverse this anti-Microsoft, so that more and more people
continue to stay with Microsoft great suite of software products ?
This I say; Microsoft keep the good work in producing excellent suite of
software products with such high quality.
So, we as consumers can enjoy "Minimal Defects; possibly Zero Defects" of its
software for many years to come among the people all over the world.
For those of you interested in knowing.
Microsoft has just released a suite of software packages; known as the Express
Suite of software.
It is for those people who want to continue to upgrade their knowledge and
education utilizing Microsoft latest software.
These people can consist of educators, students, hobbyists and consultants.