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very new to excel VBA

  Asked By: Jasmine    Date: Sep 27    Category: MS Office    Views: 659

I need to reference a function which I have embedded in the following

basically I need to do a calculation off of a binary value of a hex
result....hence the function hex to binary.

But I'm having trouble referencing my correct column.

In the source document I have columns that start with IBCM(you can
see them in the replace subroutine at the beginning). The last one
referenced cannot simply be replaced any more.


I need to actually perform a calculation based on the results which
it's raw data(hex form) gets pasted to column J. I need to take that
and replace the row with

two now




and based on the binary value or bit value I need to determine
whether it has a 1 or 0

bit value of the result = 2 then 0
bit value of the result = 4 then 1

those are the only two possibilities for the results posted to column

I want to see if I can get all in one subroutine.

Any ideas?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Doyle Gonzalez     Answered On: Sep 27

corrected the calculations shown below..............

Answer #2    Answered By: Balbir Kaur     Answered On: Sep 27

"I realize this is confusing" is not a good way to end a message. And you
are right. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

You talk about code, but don't provide it. You talk about hex and binary
but never give examples of what you mean.

You have shown strings and then talk about binary  value or bit  value.
Strings in Excel will be held in whatever form  Excel chooses, and talking
about binary value or bit values for them seems meaningless.

Please re-post. (1) use a meaningful subject; (2) explain what you want to
do (not how you want to do it); (3) give properly explained examples.

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