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Problem implementing spreadsheet containing VBA code in Excel 2007

  Asked By: Kiral    Date: Sep 17    Category: MS Office    Views: 1091

I am expiriencing some problems implementing an excel spreadsheet
containing some VBA code. I think that the spreadsheet was originaly
created with Excel - VBA 2000 version. Anybody has any idea how can i
convert this spreadsheet to a form that Excel - VBA 2007 will



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Yvette Griffin     Answered On: Sep 17

You say "I am experiencing some problems" but you do not say what the
problems are.

Can you open the file in Excel 2007?

If you cannot open it what error message do you get?

If you can open it, does the code  run? If you get an error message what is
the message? If the code does not do what you expected what does it do

Can you include the code in your post so we can understand what it is trying
to do?

Answer #2    Answered By: Brent Brown     Answered On: Sep 17

Well, you are right. I 'll ttry to give some more info about the problem. The
message that i get when i try o open the file is the following "Opening the
VBAproject requires a component that is not currently installed. The file will
be opened without the VBA project. For more information search Microsoft online
for VBA converters". I did search for converters but i am not sure if i found
someting for my situation. Anyway isn't a newer version of MS Excel -VBA
supposed to be able to run older versions? I am new to VBA so don't get me
wrong. I have attached the file as you requested.

Answer #3    Answered By: Arnelle Schmidt     Answered On: Sep 17

I have no problem  opening some of the files. To save me time, could you
tell me which file in the zip you get the problem with?

Answer #4    Answered By: Cleopatra Massri     Answered On: Sep 17

Well... to address your comment about
"isn't a newer version of MS Excel - VBA supposed
to be able to run older versions?"
It's kind-of like your car...
You keep your checkbook in the glove box...
Then you buy a new car, but when you get to the bank and
open the glove box, your checkbook is gone!!!
That's because you didn't LOAD it.
Your previous version of Excel had specific "resources"
(or add-ins) installed. IT didn't even have ALL of them,
just the ones you were using.
Your NEW version of Excel doesn't automatically load ALL
the resources. Just basic ones, but others can be added
as needed.
Based on the error message, the FILE you're opening
is using a resource that you don't currently have added.
Unfortunately, the message doesn't tell you which one!
Hopefully, David can take a look at it and figure it out.

