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Using Excel VBA on Terminal Emulators

  Asked By: Jody    Date: Nov 30    Category: MS Office    Views: 2642

I'm hoping there is someone out there who is knowledgeable about
using VBA to act upon Terminal Emulators. I have old EXTRA! VBA macros
that I've written... that I wish to produce for Reflections. The
commands are a bit different. I wish to know what command to use in
VBA to have the cursor move to a certain spot on the screen within the
Reflections Terminal Emulator (for HP9000).

In EXTRA! the VBA command would be MyScreen.MoveTo 6,24

But I can't seem to find it's equivalent in Reflections... does
anyone know?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Josephine Gomez     Answered On: Nov 30

I wrote lots of scripts/macros for both AttachMate and Reflections in a previous
job. I'm pretty sure I kept copies of some of them as text files and may have
your answer. However, I don't have them here at work. I will check when I get
home and post it then.

Answer #2    Answered By: Aadi Martin     Answered On: Nov 30

The last Reflection scripts I wrote were about 6 years ago, but maybe the syntax
hasn't changed. To move the cursor to a particular row & column, use

Application.MoveCursor <row>,<column>

as in the following code fragment:

'enter the ICST function at row 1, column 8
Application.MoveCursor 1, 8
Application.TransmitANSI "ICST"
'enter item 69100 to select the user's specified cost type.
Application.MoveCursor 2, 8
Application.TransmitANSI "69100"
Application.TransmitTerminalKey rcIBMEnterKey
Application.WaitForEvent rcKbdEnabled, "90", "0", 1, 1
Application.WaitForEvent rcEnterPos, "90", "0", 7, 48

Answer #3    Answered By: Jawwad Akram     Answered On: Nov 30

That is exactly what I needed... if you have any other reflection
examples... please pass them on to me - at work they are still using
an old version of Reflections, any help I can get is most appreciated.

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