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wireless keyboard and touchpad

  Date: Dec 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 516

I have purchased a wireless keyboard that has a built-in touchpad and
mouse wheel and buttons. It appears to be an unnamed keyboard, but it
does actually work well with my desktop and ubuntu 9.10. The only
problem I have is that the touch pad is a little too sensitive and it
also has the tap for left mouse button action which I do not like but I
cannot find anyway of changing the settings. I have looked at the mouse
settings and the keyboard settings and these do not do anything. I also
have a laptop that has a built in touch pad this has a separate tab for
touchpad but on my desktop pc this is not present. I have tried
installing the synaptic utility but this complains that there is no
synaptic modules loaded. I guess the the keyboard is not a synaptic
type. can anyone help?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 04    

You might just treat it like a normal mouse.
System > Preferences > Mouse
Adjust those as needed.
If its not being treated like a mouse then you'll need to search for
that keyboard in Google being used with Linux.

Look on the bottom of the keyboard - search any numbers on the bottom
for the manufacturer. The same one probably makes others.

Or you can find it online, post it here and someone might be able to
find more infor for you on it.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 04    

yes the normal mouse settings seem to do
I have run hwinfo and it shows up as a Belkin Wireless 2.4GHz TouchPad
if that helps.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 04    

system / preferences mouse this should help

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