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After update to Gusty, USB drive won't show or work

  Date: Dec 28    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 447

After update to Gusty from Fiesty, the following is a popup message I get when I
try to attach a USB drive 'store'N'go'

Cannot Mount Volume

Unable to mount the volume 'Store'N'Go'

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1. missing codepage
or helper program or other error. In some cases useful info is found in syslog -
try dmesg | tail or so

Any suggestion what to do to make the usb drive to work? And explain what is
meaning of this message?

p.s I tried to post this message with the image of the popup,
but it did not show. That is why posting again. Thanks.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 28    

I am using Gutsy (7.10) Live CD environment, and when I stick a USB
device into the system, it mounts on /media/ubuntu710.

After inserting the USB device into your system, issue the command
from a command line window (aka Terminal):
$ mount

What do you see? My usb is mounted as follows:
/dev/sde1 on /media/ubuntu710 type vfat
/dev/sde2 on /media/casper-rw type ext2 (rw,nosuid,nodev)

Try checking in /media subdirectory from a command line window (aka
Terminal), i.e. Applications>Accessories>Terminal to see what
subdirectories may have been created.

What do you see? Any subdirectories?

Then simply do as I did, either (substituting your subdirectory for
ubuntu710 under /media):
$ ls /media/ubuntu710
$ cd /media/ubuntu710
$ ls

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