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Ubuntu server or what?

  Date: Dec 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 456

I am still searching for answers to my touch pad issue. I am also searching
for answers for
setting up Samba. So in one of the articles I was reading it made mention of
Ubuntu 10.04 server
being different in that it didn't have X11 loaded. That would explain why I
don't have the file xsever.conf
in my X11 directory. My new question is could I somehow have Ubuntu 10.04
server instead of what ever
else there is? How to tell the difference?



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 03    

Im pretty sure ubuntu server in 10.04 still comes default with a text-only
console. So if you have a gui, and you didn't install the gui manually via
aptitude, then its not ubuntu server. The file name on the iso you downladed
and origionally installed from should also indicate whether it is a server
version or not.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 03    

It appears there is a difference, I am in the process of downloading the
10.04 for
notebooks, vs the 10.04 LTS I downloaded. I am going to read some more but
at least
I will have something to make an image if I need to, then the question is
can I keep
what I have and load what else I need.
And yes it came with a gui interface, but it is implied that it is for
desktops so networking
may be somewhat different, I just don't know.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 03    

Well... I have Ubuntu server installed on one of my laptops with a gui (xorg
and gnome) and I can say at least that for basic internet function,
networking behaves the same on both. The server, just like the desktop
version, doesn't actually have any server "services" installed by default,
though there are options to install some services during the installation or
after, depending on preference. There's really no difference between the
"backbone" of either type of install. The only reall diference is that the
gui gives you the option to install via synaptic rather that apt-getting
everything. Granted, none of that info really helps you much with your
current issue.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 03    

Well so far I haven't made any decision. However today as I said
earlier while on the download site there was two downloads available
the one on the left said it was for notebooks, and the one on the right
said it was 10.04 LTS. When I downloaded I picked the LTS, and i can't
remember if it had one or two downloads areas, and to be frank, I don't
know if it was the same site or not. I just did a Google search for download
and picked one.
I just know that for the troubles I see on here some of the possible
involve making changes to configuration files I don't have on my laptop,
which involve X11 which another post somewhere on line today said wasn't
in the 10.04 server model. So there we are. I do have the one for notebooks
saved and can make a live cd which I may just do to check it out and see
might be on it.
Then comes the question, would I have to do a new load or an update, or
I expect it is a new load.

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