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Ubuntu desktop "forgets" screen settings

  Date: Nov 29    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 551

On my recently installed print server/office workstation, I have added the
kubuntu desktop, for ease of use of those migrating from win-dos.

I use the KDE system settings tool to change the resolution of the desktop, but
every time the machine is rebooted, the resolution goes back to a very high-res

Do I have to hack the Xorg.conf, and in which case, do I just comment out the
[Screen] Section entries with the incorrect resolutions?

Another issue seems to be the screen-saver, which I have set to "blank screen" -
it takes a long time to "wake" the machine in the mornings, if it has been left
on all night.



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 29    

K/Ubuntu no longer uses Xorg.conf, so hacking it won't help if you are
running anything later than 9.10. My system has Monitor Settings under the
KDE Settings menu. Have you tried that?

Answer #2    Answered On: Nov 29    

Is that "System Settings-Display-Size and Orientation"? I can't find
anything exactly corresponding to "Monitor Settings under the KDE
Settings menu". I do use Kubuntu Lucid and I'm not trying to be obtuse
but would like to make sure I'm not missing something!

Answer #3    Answered On: Nov 29    

Actually it doesn't create an xorg.conf by default, but if one exists,
it will read it and use it.

Answer #4    Answered On: Nov 29    

True, but is it worth the hassle? You have to have a good reason for doing
it and know what you are doing. It is one quick way for newbs to mess up
their system.

As for monitor settings, I am not sure where it come from. Mine is a much
modified installation. One of the perils of installing every possible
desktop environment. I think that it may have come with XFCE so ignore what
I wrote about it. Sorry for confusing things needlessly.

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