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How to use tape drive on ubuntu to back up remote RH system

  Date: Jan 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 574

I have a RHELv3 system and no way yet to back it up. Thinking of using
Ubuntu on an older PC system with a 25/50GB Sony AIT-1 tape drive and
making it available over the local network to the RHEL box. (1) What
does it take on Ubuntu to set up the permissions? Currently I have
feisty installed as a workstation. (2) What would be a recommended
method or program to transfer data to the backup?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 07    

Try using rdump:
# rdump Ouf hostname:/dev/st0 /directory

If that doesn't work try moving everything to the
Ubuntu pc and use command 'tar'.
Or make a tarball of the directory you want to backup and then
transfer it to the Ubuntu box. Perhaps you will have to make
several tarballs as not everything will be able to fit on a tape.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 07    

I'll give this a try. I can get the drive to work locally; it's
over the net that has me puzzled...

