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Sound issue

  Date: Jan 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 409

I've been using linux for a few years now, only recently did I take the
ubuntu plunge and I have to say I'm very impressed. I'm running it in a
dualboot config with xp pro, I still game in windows. I followed this
tutorial for my fresh install of linux
www.howtoforge.com/the_perfect_desktop_ubuntu7.04 . My system
specs are as follows:

ABIT fatality motherboard with the amd athlon 64 3700+
1 gig corsair pc3200 memory
ATI x850xt agp video card
sound blaster audigy ls sound pci
maxtor sata 80 gig hard drive (linux)
maxtor eide 20 gig for windows.
samsung dual layer dvd burner light scribe

Linux detected all of my hardware no problem, in fact I chose to use the
prop. ati driver for my video card which only required a little tweaking
to get working properly. My only issue so far is with my sound. At times
I will have amarok running and fire up teamspeak to chat with friends
and family, only ts will have my mic muted. So I shut down both
applications and started ts first and it worked fine, but when I
launched amarok I had no sound, and got an error message indicating my
sound hardware was busy. I tried to reconfigure ts to use alsa instead
of the oss driver but it cannot use it, apparently they only designed it
to see the oss driver. So I did some poking around on google and found
aoss, a wrapper to make ts work with alsa but need some assistance in
getting it configured. Or better yet an alternative method for getting
things working together. Thanks in advance for any assistance guys.



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