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Small problem with Compiz-fusion

  Date: Dec 19    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 446

I can rotate the cube, I also have wobbly windows and I can manoeuvre the
windows without problems, putting them wherever I want, e.g on another virtual
desktop but I cannot do the rest of the things shown in the videos. Is it
because of a weaker video card ?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 19    

No. It is more likely that you don't have the latest development version. Most
of the newest things are not included with the stable version. To get the round
cube (cylinder or sphere) and some of the more show-offy features you need to
add to your repositories to include ones that allow you to install the latest
development version. They cannot be found in the regular repositories.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 19    

I changed a lot of settings in 3D Windows and Rotate Cube. I also enabled
Animations and made a lot of settings there. Now I can do much more from the
graphical effects that I saw in the movies, but not all of them. In
Compiz-fusion a lot of things are practical and others are only beautiful and
interesting. And I am very vain.
There is a lot of lack of knowledge on my part.

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